
Total number of items in the items array.

Note that this is the equivalent of data:items.size

totalItems is a member of the Blog List dictionary.

totalItems has data type number

Numbers are integer values. They can be used in mathematical operators.


The following operators apply to the number data type.
number1 + number2
Returns a number which is the sum of the given numbers.
number1 - number2
Returns a number which is the difference of the given numbers.
number1 * number2
Returns a number which is the product of the given numbers.
number1 / number2
Returns a number which is the division of the given numbers.
number1 <= number2
(Also supported with the syntax lte)
Returns a boolean which is true if the first number is less than or equal to the second number.
number1 >= number2
(Also supported with the syntax gte)
Returns a boolean which is true if the first number is greater than or equal to the second number.
number1 > number2
(Also supported with the syntax gt)
Returns a boolean which is true if the first number is greater than the second number.
number1 < number2
(Also supported with the syntax lt)
Returns a boolean which is true if the first number is less than the second number.
number1 % number2
Returns a number which is the first number modulo the second number.